Baking, Cooking, Deep South, Food, Love, Personal, Photography

Pie #2: Peach Pie with a Coconut Almond Topping



The Great Pie Experiment Continues!  To see what the Great Pie Experiment is all about, click HERE.  A pie genius from the Great North gave me a nudge that the above pie might be one of the best pie recipes in the book.  Speed Racer’s Uncle’s birthday was coming up and being the pie connoisseur that he is, I thought I would give it a go as a birthday present.

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Baking, Cooking, Deep South, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography, Recipes

Pie #1: Peaches and Blueberry with a Cobbler Topping


As some of you may recall I am attempting a Great Pie Experiment.  What better day to get experimenting with a summer fruit pie than the 4th of July?  I was looking for something sweet but summery that I could share with others to celebrate our nations birthday.  After flipping through the pages of Ken Haedrich’s Pie Book for awhile I came across this recipe for Peach and Blueberry pie with a Cobbler Topping.  It sounded perfect, and better yet, I had all the ingredients.

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Baking, Cooking, Food, Knoxville, Life, Love, Recipes

The Great Pie Experiment



So I was recently introduced to this book by Ken Haedrich which has 300 tried and true recipes for pie.  You may not know this but I have had a love affair with pie for a long time.  Sure, there was that time in college where I ate cake every day, but we prefer not to talk about that….for many reasons.  I have always been drawn to pie.  So many choices, so little time!  But I realized after seeing this book that I really haven’t explored with my love of pie.  I have a couple recipes that I LOVE and I stick by them.  Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for a Great Pie Experiment (GPE for short).  So if you will dear readers, follow me along this experiment of pie as I test my skills and review this fabulous book. There will be tears, hopefully not blood, happy moments, and yes, lots and lots of pie.

Cooking, Food, Home, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography

Dish-o-the-Week: Blackberry Cream Pie



I love pie.  You may know this already but it deserves to be said again, I love pie.  Just about every kind of pie but especially if it involves chocolate.  So, this summer I am making an effort to try some new pies.  Because really everyone should have more pie knowledge, so I’m going to share my findings with you.  After all as Speed Racer says, “Pie makes a house a home.”

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Cooking, Food, Home, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography, Recipes, Uncategorized

Dish-o-the-Week: Maple Pork Chops


When Speed Racer and I first got married, pork chops were a staple.  They’re cheap, fast, easy, and most of the time when I made them they were pretty bland.  Lately I’ve been finding ways to spice up the usual pork chop in different ways.  One of the favorite recipes I found was a Maple glazed pork chop.

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Cooking, Food, Recipes

Dish-o-the-Week: Nutella Pastries

It’s been awhile since I did a Dish-o-the-Week post so I thought it was about time.  This is a super simple recipe that I got from Pinterest.  However, I have been experimenting with different recipes using crescent rolls for a while.  But this is for sure one of my favorites, if you like Nutella, you will love this.

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Cooking, Food, Knoxville, Life, Personal, Photography, Recipes, Uncategorized

Dish-o-the-Week: Oatmeal Casserole

Last Saturday I made this Oatmeal Casserole.  Now, I know I don’t normally think, “Wow Oatmeal Casserole, my favorite!!!”  I don’t normally put the words OATMEAL and CASSEROLE in the same sentence to be honest.  But this recipe looked so yummy I just couldn’t resist trying it out.

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Cooking, Food, Home, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography, Recipes

Dish-o-the-Week: Sausage-Tortellini Soup

What could be better than soup that has all my favorite elements of pasta?  It actually CONTAINS pasta.  It truly couldn’t get any better.  As promised this is one of the recipes from John XXIII University Parish’s cookbook and it’s phenomenal.

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Cooking, Deep South, Food, Home, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography, Uncategorized

Dish-o-the-Week: Steak Shish Kabobs and PW Twiced Baked Potatoes

Since it’s fair well to summer, I thought we’d do a little grillin’ tonight.  It’s still hot as Hades here in the South, so we went with some nice marinated steak shish kabobs and some delicious Pioneer Woman twice baked potatoes.  I went a little over board though, so Speed Racer and I are pretty stuffed.

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Cooking, Deep South, Food, Home, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography, Recipes, The Pioneer Woman, Uncategorized

Dish-o-the-Week: Cowboy Calzone’s

That’s right the dish-o-the-week is indeed another PW recipe.  The calzone’s were absolutely scrumptious, and filling.  We’ll be eating on them for awhile, but I did have some issues with making them.  Mostly the issues arose from my own inexperience, but some of them were due to unclear directions in the recipe.  I know what you’re thinking, I just said I had issues with the Pioneer Woman.  It’s just a minor detail, don’t worry ladies and gents, my love for the P-Dub is still true, although as Speed Racer said, “The honeymoon may be over…”

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