Babies, Children, Family Portraits, Immediate Family, Knoxville, Life, Love, Portraits, Uncategorized

Macey’s Six Month Portraits


It’s hard to believe that this little bug used to be so small!  Macey is officially 6 months old and I had the pleasure of photographing her once again.

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Events, Kitties, Knoxville, Life, Love, Pets, Uncategorized

Rocky Hill Open House Pet Portraits


Whoever says that pets don’t have personalities or souls clearly hasn’t worked with animals very much.  Pet portraits are definitely some of the most challenging portraits I have done but also some of the most rewarding.  Every time I do them I am reminded how amazing these animals are and really strive to capture those unique personalities.  You can’t help but see it in their eyes.  So, I thought why not start the week out with some adorable pets.  Definitely will help get the Monday started off right.

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Cooking, Food, Home, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Photography

Dish-o-the-Week: Blackberry Cream Pie



I love pie.  You may know this already but it deserves to be said again, I love pie.  Just about every kind of pie but especially if it involves chocolate.  So, this summer I am making an effort to try some new pies.  Because really everyone should have more pie knowledge, so I’m going to share my findings with you.  After all as Speed Racer says, “Pie makes a house a home.”

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