Events, Kitties, Knoxville, Life, Love, Pets, Uncategorized

Rocky Hill Open House Pet Portraits


Whoever says that pets don’t have personalities or souls clearly hasn’t worked with animals very much.  Pet portraits are definitely some of the most challenging portraits I have done but also some of the most rewarding.  Every time I do them I am reminded how amazing these animals are and really strive to capture those unique personalities.  You can’t help but see it in their eyes.  So, I thought why not start the week out with some adorable pets.  Definitely will help get the Monday started off right.

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Home, Kitties, Knoxville, Life, Personal, Pets, Photography, Uncategorized


If you look at this darling kitty cat and think, “Aw she’s sweet, she’s innocent, she’s adorable and cute.”  You would be very wrong.  Don’t get me wrong, I love our kitties.  I love them and squeeze them and make them mine.  But there are times when I imagine barbecuing them, or even worse doing things to them that they do to me.  They seem sweet and innocent now, but wait until you discover their true nature.

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Deep South, Kitties, Knoxville, Landscape, Life, Love, Nature, Personal, Pets, Photography, Uncategorized

Camera Basics: White Balance

Are you having trouble with your pictures coming out too blue? Too orange? Too purple? Okay, so let’s hope not purple. Odds are you’re not setting your white balance correctly.  But don’t worry, we’re going to get that all straightened out, and you’ll have beautiful, regular colored pictures in no time. Continue reading

Cooking, Food, Kitties, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Pets, Photography, Recipes, The Pioneer Woman, Uncategorized

Dish-o-the-week: PW’s Chili!

That’s right, I gave in…again.  I made a Pioneer Woman recipe for the dish-o-the week.  I have a problem, I’ll admit it.  I’m going to Pioneer Woman cooking rehab soon, not to worry.  But in the mean time, you can check out this awesome looking chili.  I had never made chili before.  And I’ll go ahead and put this out there since I say something to that affect on every cooking post…until now…whew, deep breath…I haven’t really cooked.  Don’t judge me.  I’m a newly wed and I’m learning, but I truly am enjoying learning too.  Anywho, bring on the chili pics!

Key fixin’s.

Ms. Brisco and Speed Racer were getting impatient.  The smell was driving them wild!  So they just sat there…lingering over the chili.

The great thing about this recipe is that is leaves room to add or not add what you feel like.  She gives a list of “optional” ingredients.  I am not a huge bean fan, I will eat them in chili but that is about it.  Speed Racer thinks I must have had some sort of head trauma as a child for something to be so wrong with me that I would not like beans.  So I added pinto beans, kidney beans, diced tomatoes with chili’s, one jalapeno, one finger hot pepper, onion, garlic, chili powder, paprika, oregano, and salt.  But you can mix and match as you like.

Oh he’s getting really impatient now, he’s got that crazed look in his eye.  You can tell he’s about to steal a nibble.  Not to worry though, we ate shortly after that.  There are no pictures because we were both too busy gobbling it down.

Now who is going to do the dishes I wonder?  Lucky for me, in our house it’s whoever doesn’t cook has to do the dishes.

Later that night…

I had to add this in the post because it’s too adorable for words.

Kitties, Knoxville, Life, Love, Personal, Pets, Photography, Portraits, Uncategorized

Kitty Post

Yesterday I received and email from our vet’s office saying that this month is Sookie and Brisco’s 1st Birthday.  We adopted them in late September (for my birthday) so we haven’t officially had them for a year.  But of course the email coerced me into going through adorable kitten pictures from the past year.  And now I am going to share them with you!  I don’t know about where you are, but it’s pretty gloomy here, so everyone needs an adorable kitten moment.  Enjoy, and feel free to awww out loud.

Sookie was (still is) so tiny!


There you have it, adorable kitty post.  I never thought I would be one of those people who would blog about their pets, but it’s happened.  I’ve crossed that line and I’m not ashamed.  Happy Birthday Month to Sookie and Briscoe.